INSpiREzine O Canada - Maple Leaf Edition | Page 29

E) The Electric Wheelchair

In 1952, engineer George Klein made the world even more accessible with the creation of the motorized wheelchair.

F) Film Colourization

Colourization is any process that adds colour to black-and-white, sepia, or other monochromatic moving-picture images and was invented by Wilson Markle in 1970.

G) The

G) The Goalie Mask

Jacques Plante, goalie for the Montreal Canadiens hockey team (1954-1963), designed and built the first fibreglass mask in 1956 to protect himself from being injured by airborne pucks. Initially, he wore it only during practices. After a game in 1959, in which his nose was broken by a puck, he began wearing the mask to protect his injury. Today, the hockey mask is standard equipment in hockey leagues worldwide.