INSpiREzine Making Waves | Page 87

9. Most people are exposed to man-made radio-frequency (RF) radiation every day. They come from radio and television, WiFi and bluetooth devices, cell phones, etc. But what amount of RF exposure is considered safe? According to Health Canada, "Exposure to RF energy below the Canadian limits is safe. The limits are set far below the threshold (at least 50-fold safety margin) for all known established adverse health effects. Health Canada has incorporated several tiers of precaution into the limits to ensure safety, including a conservative threshold for the occurrence of adverse health effects, the use of worst-case exposure scenarios and an additional safety margin beyond the threshold."

10. The coronavirus pandemic sparked a wave of conspiracy theories, including the claim that 5G mobile networks spread and worsened the coronavirus infection. This led to dozens of instances of arsonists setting fire to cell towers across Europe, where since 2018, there had already been mounting claims that 5G was noxious to human health.

11. Humans may not be able to see infrared light, however, snakes in the pit viper family, like rattlesnakes, have sensory "pits" which they use to image infrared light. This allows them to detect warm blooded animals, even in the dark.

12. The largest ever recorded earthquake had a magnitude 9.5 (Mw) and occurred on May 22, 1960, in Chile.