INSpiREzine Making Waves | Page 86

5. When you tune your radio to the HOT 89.9 FM, you are actually tuning in to the radio wave portion of the electromagnetic-spectrum at 89.9 Mega-Hertz (Mz).

6. According to the state of Hawaii's website, an early radar station on Oahu's northernmost tip actually detected the first wave of Japanese planes on their way to attack Pearl Harbor when they were 212 kilometers out. However, because the radar system had been in operation for only two weeks, it was considered unreliable, and the warning was ignored.

7. With the exception of visible light and radio waves, the Earth’s atmosphere blocks almost all radiation across the wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.

8. UV light can be damaging to the human eye, especially in conditions where there is a lot of it – when surrounded by snow, for example. Snow is highly reflective. On a sunny day, clean fresh snow can reflect up to 90% of UV radiation, meaning that you can be exposed to almost a double dose of UV – directly from the sun and reflected off snow-covered surfaces. In the process of blocking UV light from reaching the retina, the cornea and lens absorb its damaging energy and can be temporarily burned. The front of the eye becomes cloudy, a change referred to as snow blindness.