InspireUK Magazine May 2015 | Page 4

Why does this magazine have weird numbers in it?!

You'll start to notice that some pages have a number in either the top left or top right hand corner...what's that all about?

On the go or with little time to spare? A page with this number in either top corner means that the article will take a grand total of up to 5 minutes to read!

A page with this number in either top corner means that the article could take up to 10 minutes to read.

I assume you know where the numbers are now? This article will take you no more than 15 minutes to read.

Of course these numbers are if you're reading at an average pace, rather than in slooooow motion. Even so, this article could still take you up to 30 minutes to get through!

This is practically a short story if an article takes you this long to read...a jolly read at 45 minutes long.

You should NEVER see this number...but then again, Never say Never.