InspireUK Magazine May 2015 | Page 3


4 How to use this magazine

5 The Little Things In Life

6-11 Find your inspiration: with Dino Costi

13 9 Moments from our past to remember

14 - 17 EXCLUSIVE: Stefan James

18 - 21 How do YOU learn?

22 - 24 Living a healthy and active lifestyle with PumpUp

25-26 The Will to Succeed: Weight Loss


28 - 29 Elisha Bugg: Writing

30 - 31 AnxietyUK: Here to help you.

32 - 35 Starting an Orchestra: Arch Sinfonia

38 Laughs with Rob Temple!

39 Horoscopes


If you'd like to get involved with us at InspireUK Magazine or you would like to contribute to "The Little things in life..." You can contact us via:

Twitter: @InspireUKMag

or Email: [email protected]


"Inspire" is a word

you're going to hear a

lot, throughout this

Issue, because it's

what we intend to do.

We'll try not to go

overkill on the word though!

InspireUK has been put together

by the people for the people, in a

time where some of us are looking

for encouragement or something to

smile at.

This magazine hopes to be

a gentle reminder of what we are

able to achieve with some self belief

and a motivation; all whilst raising

money for charity!

Sometimes it takes a story, a

quote or some friendly advice at the

right moment in your life to inspire

you to try something new.

So this is the start of an idea...

Here's hoping that this magazine

inspires you to try something new,

take a well deserved break, start a

new career, take up a new hobby,

change your diet or even write a


Zoe Fagg


Twitter: @InspireUKMag

Instagram: Dizzyclueless