Inspire Magazine 2019 Issue 1 | страница 9

5. PRIORITIES - This is a tough one, and a lot of people will find it hard to do this, but taking control of your own life and realising what is important to you and also what is best for you will change the way you look at your life and where you want to be. It is so important to have a clear vision of what you want for yourself, but if you do not prioritise the things that are best for you you will forever be unhappy therefore demotivated. Because if you are doing things that do not relate to your goal you will not be consistent or stick to your routine. Which leads to being off track or distracted from what’s important.

6. MAKE A LIST - Life gets hectic, and at times you will feel like you have way too much on your plate. I always find that my head is going 1 million miles an hour and I’m consistently thinking about little tasks that I need to get done. To help me declutter my mind I simply write a list! What you will find is this will allow you to see exactly what needs to be done, so you can carry on with your daily routine and implement the small tasks in between. This will stop you feeling overwhelmed and keep you on track daily.

7. MAKE A VISION BOARD - Now I know you have heard this one before. I had read it 10000 times before I actually decided to sit down and make one, and let me tell you it ACTUALLY works. Instead of me using my future “wants” on my vision board, I put pictures that INSPIRE me. So that each morning when I woke up the 1st thing I would see at the end of my bed was a bunch of pictures/people/quotes, that made me want to get up and be the best version of myself daily.

8. CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE - If you have anything that is in your life that is holding you back/not making YOU happy....CHANGE IT. Have you ever felt that if one thing is off, then you your whole life is off? Well picture not having that problem how much better your life would be. I know for myself when I wasn’t happy in my relationship, I really had to think to myself, is this good for me? Am I happy? Is the benefiting me in anyway? The answer was NO, and the second that changed, my life changed. I was much more focused and driven and I felt a new sense of power. This is YOUR life and you must do what is best for you, because if you let anything/anyone hold you back, you will never succeed.