Inspire Magazine 2019 Issue 1 | Page 8




Do you struggle to stay motivated? Don’t worry you are not alone! I speak to people everyday across my social media and in the gym about staying motivated and how to keep a positive mindset. The one thing I always remind them is, you will never ALWAYS be motivated, so you need to learn to be DISCIPLINED! If you keep this in your head you will find your mindset will change. Your mindset is what keeps you on track and gives you the incentive to push yourself toward your goals. Here are 10 helpful tips and tricks that I personally found help to keep me motivated and on track.

1. HAVE A BIG GOAL – Now this is a MUST! You must always have a goal, and this isn’t just fitness related, this is in any aspect of your life. If you don’t have a goal then what are you working towards? This is the most important tip that I can give anybody. If you have a big goal set in place with a date, then you are thinking about that every single day and working towards that.

2. HAVE SMALL DAILY GOALS - this is also very important. Because what you do daily results in reaching your end goal. For me being in the fitness industry, my daily goals are based around, the food I eat, how much water I drink, my training sessions and most importantly my mindset. If you hit your small goals everyday, you are one step closer to your end goal.

3. ALARM CLOCK (favourite song) - This is something that I feel works VERY well for me. Choose a song that makes you feel happy or motivated. The song that I wake up to every single day is one that makes me envision winning my competitions. So therefore the second that I wake up I am feeling motivated for my day. And one more thing NEVER PRESS SNOOZE!!!

4. HAVE A ROUTINE - Having a routine is also very important when wanting to stay motivated. Some find it difficult to stick to routine but personally I find that if I know exactly what I need to do every single day, then I am always on track and knowing what I need to do at what time.