Inspire Change Wellness Alcohol & Addiction - An A to Z of Rehab | Page 3

A DDICTION R EHABILITATION : T HE P ROCESS FROM B EGINNING TO E ND  What happens in rehab? The processof recovery starts with the decision to take the journey to recovery. Once you enter an addiction rehabilitation center, they sit you down and do an intake. They need to get to know who you are and why you have come to them and why you decided to do it now and much more. The intake is also the point when they tell you about the center, and inform you of the program they recommend you follow while you are there.  The first step, intake completed, next starts the next step, detox. Detox is every addict's enemy. Detox is the phase that comes with withdrawal symptoms while getting over whatever addiction ailed you. The severity of withdrawal depends on your level of dependency on your addiction. The more you dependent on your addiction, the worse it will be. Most often the detoxification process is done under supervision. After getting through detox, you can start the process of rehabilitation. 