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Henry Ford was an American businessman and inventor who revolutioned the automotive industry.

He was the founder of the Ford Motor Company, creator of the Ford T model and the also of the production system known as Fordism

At weekends, Ford was used to develop a car in his garage. Seeing so much determination, the neighbours nicknamed him as "Crazy Ford"

At that stage, it created the first internal combustion engine, patented in 1893. The prototype was an independent propulsioned quadricycle powered with gasoline. After the success of this model, Ford leaves his job stimulated by Thomas Edison himself who advises him to follow his dream.

The Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903. At its factory, Ford implements several new developments in production such as the assembly line in bulk or in series.

Inspired by Taylorism, Ford created a method that consisted in specializing workers in a few jobs. Thus, the car's chassis passed on a conveyor belt as workers placed the components.

Cars, once restricted to a few, become cheaper and therefore more accessible to the population. In 1914, the company sells 250 thousand units of automobiles. Two years later, the sold production goes to 450 thousand