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In practice, this means that trusting lifes in aircrafts, it may have a almost zero probability of failure, what is an enormous challenge. This is in what companies are investing.

There are still many unanswered questions. "It's not as simple as putting a car on the street. A transport category is being created and there is no driving license for it. Who will operate and under which conditions? If everything is jammed, where do I land this machine? These are extremely important and delicate issues, "asks a director of aircraft sales. The executive replies that he looks at everything with great attention to, perhaps, consider as an air transport option in the future.

But what to expect effectively in the medium to long term? "In the future, with the right legislation and the fully autonomous vehicle, it will be possible to have a VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) in the garage," says the system engineer. What seemed like an utopia will, someday, become reality. Just as electric cars have had a benefit from the cell phone battery industry, flying vehicles will benefit themselfs from autonomous cars.