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he Fermi wing addition to Enfield High School is nearing completion. Workers are putting the finishing
touches and installing technology in preparation for the move. The science labs, art studios, and technology
education labs have been significantly enhanced to allow teachers and students to work collaboratively across
disciplines in a bright, modern environment. All classrooms will be outfitted with the latest teaching technology, including a teaching wall with a mounted projection system.
On November 25th there will be no school for students so movers can begin moving classrooms to the
new wing and renovations can begin on the rest of
the building. Enfield High School students will receive a new schedule with class locations in the Fermi wing before they leave for Thanksgiving break,
and when they return on December 1st, they will be in
their new classrooms. Students will return to state of
the art science classes, automotive classes, and wood
technology classes, which will be in their final locations. A
new parent drop off will open near the new wing, and the renovated cafeteria will open- but with limited food service.
The main office will be temporarily located in an art classroom
on the main floor of the Fermi wing. The complete list of departments and their locations is as follows:
Lower Level – Automotive and Wood Technology
Lower Level C Wing – PE/Health, Band, Orchestra, Strings
1st Floor – Art, Business, Tech Ed, Main Office, Reading,
Nurse, Guidance
1 Floor C Wing – Family and Consumer Sciences
2nd Floor – Math, English, Library, Career Center
3rd Floor – Science, Social Studies, World Language
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