INSIGHT Magazine Special Home Edition April 2020 | Page 23

your nails at home may not be the best option. It could possibly be the ideal time to soak your acrylic off, care for your natural nails, and then get a new full set when your nail technician has returned to work. His closing thoughts with us were this: "us, industry professionals, understand that our customers want to look glamorous, but we can not do that at the expense of everyone’s health and safety. It is too great a risk and everyone must do their part to combat this. I miss my clients as much as their nails miss me. Do the best you can. Stay home, stay healthy, and if all else fails - soak them off and we’ll start a new set when we reopen." So, take to Pinterest - find some home remedies or mini manicures and treatments, INSIGHT "Stay home, stay healthy, and if all else fails - soak them off and we’ll start a new set when we reopen." pick out a cute but simple design, and enjoy the quality time with your daughter painting each other’s nails. The nail salons will reopen and your nail tech will be ready for you when the time is right. Afterall, this quarantine is temporary, but the memories are forever. ✽ April 2020 – Special Home Edition 24