There are four seasons in the South: win-
ter, spring, summer, and football. It’s a
magical time of year. From pee-wee to
professional, there’s always a game to
When it comes to football parties, the food
is almost as important as the TV! We’re going
to walk you through how to make a few of
our favorite football foods.
Football season leads to weekly parties and
get togethers as we all crowd around the
tube to cheer on our team. If you’re hosting
a football party this season, why not give
your guests a game or two to play during
We’ll start with Oven-Baked Cheeseburg-
er Sliders topped with a buttery sauce
that will guarantee these sliders are in the
lineup every Saturday.
The football toss is always a hit. You can
make it as simple as hanging a hoola hoop
from a tree branch or make your own wood-
en toss board.
If you really want to impress your guests, try
your hand at building your own field goals!
All you need is PVC pipe, buckets, cement,
and paint.
September 2017 37