INSIGHT Magazine September 2013 | Page 22

community Events INSIGHT EVENTS for all ages Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Families, caregivers, charities and research groups across the United States observe September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. In the U.S., almost 13,000 children under the age of 21 are diagnosed with cancer every year; approximately 1/4 of them will not survive the disease. A diagnosis turns the lives of the entire family upside down. The objective of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is to put a spotlight on the types of cancer that largely affect children, survivorship issues, and - importantly - to help raise funds for research and family support. Show your love and support for these kids! 5 – Spirit On Mountain Street Burgess Snow Field at JSU at 6pm - Bring your appetite and your school spirit to JSU Stadium on September 5 at 6 p.m. for “Spirit on Mountain Street,” an evening of food and fandom benefiting a great cause. Jacksonville State University, the City of Jacksonville and area civic organizations are teaming up again to co-host the annual gathering that features the perennial favorite “Taste of the Town,” a tasters fair benefiting JCOC, a local nonprofit organization that offers short-term assistance for individuals and families in need. Also on tap for the evening is a community-wide pep rally featuring the JSU Gamecocks football team and the internationally-acclaimed Southerners and Marching Ballerinas, along with teams and bands from Jacksonville High School, Pleasant Valley High School and Jacksonvi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p?????X??X?H?\?Y\???Y?[?S ?H ?Y?[? H??X\?[X?[XH?\?[???X?X?H???[??[HX[H? ?H]???[?[?[ ?8?$??[?H\?[???[?H?[\? ? ?H ?H ?Y?[? H??\?X\????\??\?Y\?H??\?X\?\??X??????Y?[? \H?\H ?H?\?Y\??X\??][??X?????[H ?[H? LX[H???]\???Z[???Xx?&\????[H?]X\?H ?H]\?][H^H??YHYZ\??[?]??[??\??[??\?X[?]\?][\? L[KL?H[?[?\?X?]?]Y\??XZ?HH[???[?\?^H]?\?]\?][\?H?\?]H]\?][\?[?Y?\?H\???]\?][H^K?]\?^K?\[X?\? ????H L[KL?K???[??\??[??\?X[?]\?][\??[?H??\?[??X?]?]Y\????[\?[?X\??[????[?]Y\?]\?H?[???[Y?\??%[??\??[ YZ\??[?[?[X?]?]Y\?\?H??QHB????B???\[X?\? ? L?B??S??Q???