for what you need and
don’t be too impressed
with being able to get
what you don’t...unless
it is free.
Get an idea, by asking questions on the
phone, of how the staff
of a particular place
are going to treat you.
Oftentimes, it’s the
cheapest ones that
will leave you high
and dry if something
goes wrong. Don’t be
lured in by the price
tag because the lowest cost isn’t necessarily the cheapest thing
in the long run. By the same token the most
expensive prices are not always for the better places, cruises, car rentals, or any other aspect of your vacation. You have to be willing
to ask the right questions, look at the right
pictures, do your homework, and find what
really makes sense for you and those traveling along.
Get Your Paperwork in Order
Be sure to print all confirmations of hotel, car
and any other pre-booked reservations that
include the rate you secured to avoid overcharges or overbooking, says Ann Lombardi,
a travel consultant with the Trip Chicks company, in Atlanta. Even little things like being
sure to double check that your credit card
you used to book reservations doesn’t expire
before you arrive at your destination.
This should be a no brainer, but for the sake
of everyone you’ve gotten excited about going on some dream vacation to the Caribbean, Mexico, the UK, or anywhere else that
you can’t find on a map of th H[