INSIGHT Magazine January 2017 | Page 8


New Year 101

Lose weight .... Get organized … Enjoy life … The New Year ’ s resolution list goes on and on .
As a society we are constantly challenged to be better , accomplish more , and do it faster . But are we as humans equipped to force change in our own lives by simply willing it to happen ? In short , no .
Only 8 % of those who set New Year ' s resolutions achieve them , according to research from the University of Scranton .
Age Success Rates
Percent of people in their twenties who achieve their resolution each year
Percent of people over 50 who achieve their resolution each year
Source : University of Scranton . Journal of Clinical Psychology
Data 39 %
14 %
Reformation theologian Thomas Cranmer said this of human nature , “ What the heart loves , the will chooses , and the mind justifies . The mind doesn ’ t direct the will . The mind is actually captive to what the will wants , and the will itself , in turn , is captive to what the heart wants ”.
Clinical Psychologist , Joseph J . Luciani , Ph . D ., recommends focusing on training your brain before training your body . He says if you do that , you won ' t have to make a resolution next year ..
8 January 2017