INSIGHT Magazine January 2017 | Page 10

208 Mountain Street Jacksonville , AL 36265 256.365.1566 www . mommagoldbergsdeli . com / jacksonville

New Year 101

Roman Emperor Numa Pompilius is credited with adding Januarius and Februarius to the early Roman calendar years later .
By 46 B . C ., the Roman Calendar had fallen out of sync with the sun . That ’ s when Emperor Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar , instituting January ( Januarius ) 1 as the first day of the year .
The month of Januarius was named for Janus , the Roman god of beginnings , whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past and forward into the future . ✽
The god Janus , beardless , Roman coin ; in the Bibliothèque Nationale , Paris . Source : Britannica
Two-headed Janus , who sees forward and backward , a personification of the month of January ; Romanesque high-relief stone sculpture , in the Museo del Duomo , Ferrara , Italy . Source : Britannica

Daily Specials

Monday Countdown Sandwich Discounts are as follows
$ 3 off from 3pm-4 pm $ 2 off from 4pm-5pm $ 1 off from 5pm-6pm
$ 2 off Buff Nachos and Buff Burrito
Wednesday- $ 1.00 Nacho with purchase of Large Drink
Thursday- Buy 1 Sandwich get 1 Sandwich 50 % off w / purchase of Large Drink

208 Mountain Street Jacksonville , AL 36265 256.365.1566 www . mommagoldbergsdeli . com / jacksonville

Friday- 10 % off purchase with JSU Student ID .

10 % off

10 January 2017