seeing that in other places.”
Dorsey says the Soup Bowl always need
donations, and so far the support has been
overwhelming. “There are so many people
in Anniston that actually know about the
Soup Bowl from a donation perspective and
they come. It’s actually a community effort
to take care of people that are hungry.”
people you develop relationships with, and
there are some very, very good people that
come here.”
Walking into Anniston Soup Bowl there’s a
feeling of acceptance and family. Familiar
faces saying hello and thank-yous passed
all around. White says visitors at the Soup
Bowl “are so very grateful to be able to
come in.”
Volunteering at Anniston Soup Bowl is easy,
and there are several ways to help. From
donating money or food to volunteering
your time. Dorsey is appreciative of every
type of donation.
The Soup Bowl is open from 7:30 am to
1:00 pm Monday through Friday. “We need
volunteers and can use volunteers to pre-
pare the meal for the day, to help wash the
dishes from the day, and to help clean the
dining hall,” Dorsey explains. “Some of those
things are time specific, but whenever
people want to come they can come.”
As volunteers, Milton and White help with
If you want to get involved, contact Annis-
all sorts of tasks. “My duties are to assist the
ton Soup Bowl at 256-236-6794. ✽
people that are handicapped
or have small children,” Milton
Total People Experiencing Homelessness in 2017
says. “And to refill the cups and
to clean the area when they’re
finished so that other people
can come in and be seated in a
clean area.”
“I think part of our duties, too,
is to always greet them with a
smile and always express kind-
ness and to begin to know
their names,” White adds. “To
just talk with them about how
their week is going. So much of
the time that kindness extend-
ed is what will make their day
because sometimes they’re not
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
December 2018 11