Handling Depression was held on 31st May, led
by Rev. Renny Samuel. The chapel service on 29th
May was led by the GSOL students and farewell
was given to the outgoing Dean, Dr. Merlin Jones.
Administrative Changes:
Rev. Shaiju G Thomas was appointed as the Dean
of the school in place of Dr. Merlin Jones.
Ms. Josephine Anita serves as the LEAD –
Academics. Mr. Prince Daniel joined on the staff
as faculty member.
Ps. Richard Babu serves as the LEAD - Student
Services Office ably assisted by Ms. Florence
Guna and Ms. Gnana Christy.
Ps. Paul George was appointed Operations Manager
and also serves in the capacity of Centre Services
Graduates of 2014:
This year 35 students will be receiving degrees
from GSOL. Of this 19 students will be receiving
the M.Div. Degree, of which 5 are GSOL
individual students and 14 are from New Life
AG Secunderabad. In addition 16 students will
be receiving the B.Th. Degree - 3 from TTC in
Bokaro, 8 from LTC in Lucknow and 5 from NLAG
in Secunderabad.
Lt. Mrs. Padma Suresh Suryavanshi one of our
GSOL student, lovingly adressed “Maushi”-aunty
in Marathi, went to be with the Lord after a
prolonged illness on 12-Dec 2013.
was 76 years old. Survived by 3 sons and 8
grandchildren Mrs Padma “Maushi” born on 10th
Nov, 1937 had served the Indian Army as a
Nursing Officer in the rank of a Lieutenant for
23 long years. Post retirement she was actively
involved as a carecell leader and in women’s
ministry in her church. To the end, she was a
constant encourager and motivator for women
and youth. To serve better in her times, she
sought to equip herself by successfully graduating
with a Diploma in Theology from GSOL and was
close to completing her Bachelor in Theology.
She was an inspiration to many of our Distance
Learning students, loved by one and all also the
staff at GSOL. ‘Maushi’ as Paul says in 2 Timothy
4:7, lived to tell, “I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (NIV).
GSOL Graduates
NLAG in Secunderabad
LTC in Lucknow
TTC in Bokaro
Annual Residential Seminar at CGLD