Insight 2014 March 2014 | Page 26

Rev. Shaiju G. Thomas, Dean, Global School of Open Learning PURSUING EXCELLENCE BEYOND BOUNDARIES The Global School of Open Learning (GSOL) has consistently progressed through the present academic year and witnessed a healthy growth in all the areas - student enrollment, number of facilitation centres, number of programs offered and in the number of graduating students. GSOL has declared the focus of 2014-’15 as “Evangelism”. With this focus in mind GSOL looks forward to work with the local churches and interested institutions, in all the major cities of India, to empower the believers to engage in evangelistic work. We look forward to achieve this objective by conducting interactive seminars and sessions. Some of the suggested seminar topics and focus are: Relational Evangelism, Evangelism through Social Media and Evangelism through Dialogue. Enrollment: This year GSOL enrolled 186 students from March to December 2013. The current total of active enrollment stands at 1400. New Facilitation Centres: With a desire to serve the student community at large and facilitate their studies, GSOL has opened new Facilitation Centres this year, in addition to the existing ones;  New Life Fellowship Association, Mumbai  Himalayan Bible Institute, Uttarakhand  Full Gospel Assembly of God (FGAG), Bangalore.  Global Institute of Leadership & Management (GILM), Jaipur Efforts are underway to form many more new facilitation centres in the coming months at places lik H