INSIDER February 2019 | Page 15

I have learnt one good thing from all of this- who invented ‘everyone is a winner’ at school  sports day, probably the same people who want a ‘people’s vote’. You came second- how are you  going to make sure that you learn how to run faster for next time? Why aren’t you cheering for the  winner? What’s happened to your manners? Why should the winner be disqualified?  We could leave the EU and everything be alright, not post-apocalyptic- we could have an in the  middle kind of Brexit rather than it being hard, soft or red, white and blue.   There are four reasons why this hasn’t happened yet:  1. Everyone thinks they are right.  2. Everyone has a lack of respect for the opinions of other people.  3. You can’t please everyone.  4. The EU wants us to pay.  The French Finance Minister, Bruno Le Maire says he is prepared for Brexit to happen and  that it’s his responsibility. “I personally think it’s a bad decision” “the British people will pay” “You  cannot be out and in” “You can’t keep the benefits,” when the interviewer enlightened Mr Le  Maire and said that we could, he said “we have to lesson those people” and make the “British  people pay.”  His English was very good, not perfect though- it was either lesson as if to say “instruct” or lessen  to say “diminish” either way leads me to feel a certain way towards him. He thinks the EU has a  responsibility to make it as hard as possible despite knowing it will have consequences for them  too. We have to pay!!! Like there are no protests in France...    Another thing, a relevant and important thing. Unlike Brexit. I could tell you what nearly all of my  teachers think about Brexit. I didn’t ask them, they just wanted impressionable children to know  that they are right. That’s really insulting and a complete disregard for student opinion. They only  think we should have a say because they can walk all over us with their own senseless political  agenda. I’m not saying I necessarily disagree with their opinions- I disagree with the fact they are  sharing them. It’s an abuse of power. I won’t name anybody but if this is read by teachers and  executive members of the college, please note this down. If I hear any more of their opinions (in an  inappropriate instance), then I will take action. The funny thing is that most of the time they don’t  actually know what they’re talking about. It’ll be a pull quote they’ve seen on the Guardian  website, something they’ve heard from the town-crier. I’ll give you the facts. This is Colchester.     This is what people think democratically.   Nobody is 100% right.   There are good reasons for both sides.  There has been a vote.  Encourage integration rather than division.    Best wishes,  Joseph Holmes