Dear Reader,
An opinion piece on Brexit- how dare I?
Over 960 days ago, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Something I’ve heard
more times than necessary because everywhere you turn somebody has an opinion and it’s divided
the country. On both sides- because despite a binary vote, there are still sides- people believe they
are right. They really believe that what they believe in is right. You are all wrong- nobody is right.
You are suffering from cognitive dissonance and I really don’t care what you voted- if I have to hear
that you are right I will argue with that. There are valid reasons on both sides for both leaving and
remaining but there was a vote. It didn’t say: “Are you sure? Are you racist? Do you know what
you are voting for? Are you stupid? Should you be allowed an opinion?”, in fact, it said…
I don’t think it’s overly complicated- I’ve had harder exam questions. I’m glad I didn’t get to vote
though- because for whatever belief somebody would hate me and believe that some responsibility
lies on my shoulders. If you really believe you have a better right to an opinion than someone else-
that really does say something about you. And for censorship reasons, I’ve decided to leave that
out. There was a vote- we, as a country, made a decision- if you don’t like it, then you can leave (ha,
you leave either way). Instead, we should be coming together as a country instead of being divided.
There is no point denying it- we need to work together to make sure that we go about it in the right
We are lucky to live in a very politically balanced country, the results above prove that, but instead
of using all of these brilliant minds the original argument still continues. We could’ve had a debate
about the Irish Border, Pet Passports, Car Manufacturers and Vegetable Green Lanes before we
voted. Now, it’s nothing but scaremongering- pointless scaremongering. We can’t change what has
already happened but we can change the now, what are we going to do to ensure we can leave in
the best circumstances possible?