How does BREXIT affect you?
Left: Yui Mok/Agence France-Presse - Getty Images, Right: Peter Macdiarmid/Shutterstock
On the left, some young ‘remain’ supporters - on the right, some young ‘leave’ supporters
By Ben Shahrabi
As Brexit is fast approaching - with just two months to go - how will
it affect millions of young people in the UK?
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past two and a half years, you should know
that Britain is currently in the process of leaving the European Union after spending over 40
years in the partnership. The UK is cur-
rently divided into the under-45s who,
broadly, are in favour of staying in
the EU, and the over 45s, who large-
ly want to leave.
“More than 3
At the moment, students can
study abroad under the EU’s
million EU citi-
freedom of movement policy -
in some countries you don’t
even get charged tuition fees.
But after Brexit, the UK and the
zens … call the
EU have agreed in principle
that any UK citizen who moves
UK their home.”
to study in another EU country
before 29th March will keep the
right to study. This is good for
many students who may have
been concerned that they could lose
this ability after the UK leaves the EU.
For EU citizens studying and living in the UK, the uncertainty regarding immigration can be a
major cause for concern. Immigration Minister Caroline Nokes has said: “Having a classmate,
friend or colleague from an EU country is part of the daily lives of many young people in the UK
today… that’s why our first Brexit prioritywas providing reassurance to more than 3 million EU
citizens and their families who call the UK their home.
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