Because like I said
before, it has origi-
nality and important-
ly as well, has charm
and wit.
Of course British tele-
vision has its own in-
ternational hits that
have made us fall in
love with them. Like
Luther or Peaky Blin-
ders. Or maybe even
adaptations to televi-
sion like Sherlock.
But here’s a puzzle,
how can that be so
loved when its some-
thing like the 250th
interpretation of Co-
nan Doyle’s work?
Well here you have
it, proof that original-
ity can never truly
die. As they found
something new to
use in something
that’s been used be-
fore, countless times.
But a show that cap-
tured me, was Life on
Mars and its sequel
prequel series Ashes
to Ashes. Being a de-
tective show in itself,
it blends two multiple
genres such as; sci-fi
or the Supernatural.
In so creating a show
that is at times eerie
and unsettling, while
still combining it with
a strong sense of
sharp, witty humour
that most Brits love.
Starring Philip Glenis-
ter, Keeley Hawkes
and John Simm, it
captured the nation
for five years, win-
ning multiple awards
and even caught on
with American televi-
sion, who in turn cre-
ated their own inter-
pretation of the
show. But most peo-
ple wouldn’t know that,
not here and not in
America, as their show
didn’t fly, seemingly due
to a lack of interest.
So what does that tell
you? It tells you
that ,Life on Mars, is
loved mainly because of
its nature as being quin-
tessentially British. Be-
ing rude, intellectual
and thought provoking,
while adding in the wit
and the sarcasm that
this nation exudes. In
short it’s original and
it’s that originality that
connects with people.
People can grow tired of
the same thing, they
can get bored of repeat-
ed styles or genres and
can find it repetitive and
sometimes even grat-
ing. Crime has got to be
the genre that you see
the most on television,
for the few of us that
even watch television
Life on Mars,
“I should've
done anoth-
er series”,
John Simm.
anymore, with most
of us subscribing to
Netflix, Amazon or
Sky. I mean, crime
and lazy detective
shows are practical-
ly all that ITV churn
out every couple of
months, a new show
that feels… familiar
for some reason.
But to find a show
that isn’t lazy, re-
petitive or unoriginal
feels like a blessing
when its found… oh
I can hear your little
heart beat.
For a while I had
Breaking Bad rec-
ommended to my,
practically shouted
through my ears. I
watched it and I can
see why it’s known
as one of the best,
it’s riveting and en-
gaging. How many
shows do you think
are actually original?
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