INSIDER Autumn 2019 | Page 17

Insider Comment is filled with tragedy and struggle. Tragic events such as large scale terror attacks and the urgency to tackle climate change are covered almost globally, but not eve- rybody may be aware of them. In some cases, entire societies and countries are completely unaware of the world around them and the burning issues that need to be addressed. As stated previous- ly, Censorship is used to protect people from content that may potentially upset or offend them, but this is on a much larger scale. In a way, it can be suggested that Censorship promotes ignorance and limitations on Freedom of Speech as it blocks out very important topics or subjects that everybody should be aware of and should be able to talk about. After all that is a basic Human Right isn’t it? Censorship is most likely never going to go away. It is a simple fact that regardless of how many people feel they do not need it or it has a negative impact on those around us, those in a higher position or status (Government), will always have their input and control over the people. That’s why protests and rebellions exist, it’s the only way that that we, as the People, can get our voices heard. By protesting against the extreme use of Censorship, eventually the message will get through. The only problem would be if these protests , despite how frequent and loud they are, were to be censored from large amounts of people. Then a cycle will form and continue. It is really up to interpretation and opinion as to how people view the use of Censor- ship, there will always be a well weighted and justified argument about the pros and cons about the topic as a whole. It is just important to understand that our Freedom of Speech could potentially be limited and there may be news stories and events from around the World that we are not made aware about. The College magazine online: