Ignorance or Protection?
A brief insight into the topic of Censorship and whether it’s
forcing us to become oblivious or a tool used for our security
Cara Overbury
The Universal Decla-
ration of Independ-
ence, Article 19,
states that
“Everyone has the
right to freedom of
opinion and ex-
pression; This right
includes freedom
to hold opinions
without interfer-
ence and to seek,
receive and impart
information and
ideas through any
media and regard-
less of any fron-
tiers”. But is this
statement still Wide-
spread today? Is it no
longer acknowledge
by the masses? Or to
simply ask, is Cen-
sorship good or bad?
The google definition
of Censorship is: The
suppression or pro-
hibition of any
parts of books,
films, news etc
which are consid-
ered obscene, po-
litically unaccepta-
ble, or a threat to
security. In some
cases, it can be ar-
gued that the Cen-
sorship is necessary
to hide certain explic-
it content from young
children such as porno-
graphic websites and
profanity in music and
media. This is often one
of the main arguments
used by people who be-
lieve Censorship is a
beneficial thing rather
than a interfering one.
Other main arguments
used for Censorship in-
clude that it helps to
keep hatred under con-
trol and it helps to block
various advertisements/
promotions that may be
A cartoon il-
lustrating the
negative of
effects of
is to art as
Lynching is
to Justice” -
Henry Louis
Gate Jr.
potentially harmful
or disrespectful to
some members of
the public.
But this isn’t where
the overall use of
Censorship draws
the line. In fact it’s
way more than just
stopping five year
olds from hearing
the F bomb.
Everybody is very
much aware of the
fact that the world
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