Are airlines racist?
With the election of US president Trump and talks of Brexit; racial division is at its peak. More spe-
cifically, we are seeing more stories of racist incidents occur in airports. This may seem like an ab-
surd topic but what I’m really asking is: are flight attendants racially biased?
My first example could
be a recent incident in
which a white woman
refused to sit next to a
black woman on a
Spirit airline flight
from Las Vegas to Chi-
cago. The victim
claims that the woman
argued with flight at-
tendants just to deter
the black woman from
sitting next to her.
Luckily for Tiarra, her
fellow (white) pas-
sengers rallied around
her and switched
seats so she can avoid
sitting next to the rac-
ist woman.
Tiarra shared her encounter
with her Facebook follow-
ers and explained how she
was so ‘’embarrassed and
heartbroken’’ that she went
through this as it never hap-
pened to her before.
The white woman defended
herself with the argument
that she thought the seat
next to her ‘’would be emp-
ty’’.However, Tiarra said
that she was much happier
when a young white person
sat next to her. Tiarra then
explained how the Spirit
employees repeatedly
thanked her for being a
‘’team player’’.
made these threats
on camera. A man
the camera
said ‘’you were very
rude to us’’
We can all agree this comment
is shows the bias of the attend-
ants; why should an innocent
passenger be a ‘’team player’’
for a woman who’s clearly dis-
criminating against her? By al-
lowing the racist woman to stay
on the flight, it sets the impres-
sion that people of colour de-
serve to be treated like second
class citizens at the expense of
the comfort for white people.
The victim re-
calls the at-
tendant say-
‘’oh please
I’ve been
dealing with
you people
for thirty
Another woman calls
out ‘’Carol’’ but the
lady simply replied
‘’darling I can make
it very difficult for
you in customs’’. It
is revealed later on
in the twitter post
that the attendant
tried to follow up on
her threat. The
woman threatened
to get the family in
trouble knowing
there were vulnera-
ble people aged 3-
75 in the party
Another example is an
incident in which a flight
attendant threatened to
‘’make it difficult’’ for a
Mexican family to pass
through customs after
they confronted her for
being rude. She openly
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