INSIDER Autumn 2019 | Page 13

Insider Education cial burden of a degree Universi- ty students face significant debts—the aver- age graduate debt including maintenance costs and higher rates of interest is a staggering £50.000 for a 3 year degree. It is believed parents supplement their child’s funds with an average of £360per month. This is because parents with a household income of £30,000 will up the difference on the maintenance loan, as it is ‘means tested! So do the num- bers still stack up? Many of us can name a rela- tive who studied a lesser known subject that they never required for a career, can’t we? Well, even so gradu- ates on average last year earned £34,000 per an- num compared to £24,000 for non-graduates. So in cold hard terms a degree pays. But of course, we don’t think of university as a route to greater earnings— the benefits are far greater, whether it be social interac- tion, the joy of study and immers- ing yourself in a subject, and uni- versity experience and all that con- tains. Nevertheless, if it is a daunting task to weigh up the options, decide on the best course that provides the best opportunity while keeping one eye on costs. Giv- en the increase in the quality of in job training and ap- prenticeships it is easy to understand why some prefer to decide on diving into the world of work. Many other op- tions do exist which on- ly compound making the decision. If you are having trou- ble figuring out your path, my advice is to talk to recent under- graduates and listen to their experience or talk to the careers depart- ment. You cant receive enough advice and in- formation, when it comes to making such a decision. And despite what you might read there is no perfect an- swer, just trust that everything will work out in the end! The College magazine online: