insideKENT Magazine Issue 46 - January 2016 | Page 25

EVENTS Ramsgate Blitz Walk // 3 Jan Rose Wylie // 12 Jan – 31 Mar A guided walk around the heaviest bombed seaside town in the UK. Relive the dark days of WW2, hear stories of ordinary people on the front line and visit the places connected with those stories. Reliving the dark days of WW2 hear the stories and visit the places. Walks take 2-2.5 hours and are free, but donations welcome. Private walks can be arranged. 10am. Price: Free Ramsgate Library, Guildford Lawns CT11 9AY / 01843 599755 Wylie’s bold, large-scale figurative paintings draw on ancient and folk art, such as Mexican street art and contemporary Egyptian Hajj painting, as well as art history and film. Their deliberate awkwardness, closer to the unselfconscious art of children, includes a collage-like approach in which mistakes are simply covered up with patches of cut-up canvas or paper. This display – the first time the Sunley gallery has been used for painting – will focus on recent works from her ongoing Film Notes, a series of paintings inspired by remembered images from contemporary films. Rose Wylie was born in Kent, where she still lives and works. She studied at Folkestone and Dover School of Art (1952-6) and the Royal College of Art, London (1979-81) and now, in her early eighties, is enjoying renewed interest in her work in the UK and internationally with recent exhibitions at the Jerwood, Hastings (2012) and Tate Britain (BP Spotlight, 2013), as well as winning the prestigious John Moores Z[