insideKENT Magazine Issue 141 - January 2024 | Page 105

The day kicked off with outdoor circuits , a perfect way to awaken the body and mind . The lush green surroundings of Stede Court provided a stunning backdrop for our workout which utilised its natural resources - tree stump press-ups , cut log weights , and a brisk estate walk - by the end of which I finally managed to release the tension in my shoulders and quit stomping about a la Miss Trunchball - much to Kathryn ’ s gentle amusement .
Back to the house , following a quick climb of the rustic treehouse to take in the views and take a moment to breathe , we transitioned to a serene session of yoga . Sat in front of the open fireplace ’ s wood burner , to the crackle of fresh logs , we went through a gentle session of stretch-focused positions and deep breathing techniques . Tempted to make a dash for one of the beautiful bedrooms on the upper floors for a nap such was the end result , we instead had a quick change and made a dash to the outdoor wood-fired , eco-friendly sauna .
An utter therapeutic garden-set bolthole , it was here , as tension began easing and relaxation took hold , that we began to unpick some of the core values that need to underpin any wellbeing journey and healthy mindset . We discussed the principles of being present , working towards being non-judgemental - both of others and importantly ourselves - and how to navigate that journey while also needing to still do ‘ ALL THE THINGS ’ that work , family and life in general bring .
Having a lovely , if very self-reflective , guidance session with a chat about how cold it was , I thought I may have dodged the swimming plunge , but with a huge smile and way more enthusiasm than I , Kathryn announced it was time !
And it was brilliant ! Freezing ! But brilliant .
Designed to be a stimulating contrast to the warmth of the sauna , and boasting a myriad of health and wellbeing positives from improved circulation to enhanced immune function , my own plunge ( which I repeated twice by the way and for way longer the second time around ) was much more than this .
It was the reassurance that you can push yourself out of your comfort zone , you can carve out time for your own health ( physical and mental - as let ’ s face it in the words of a wise woman ‘ without health we are either dead or a burden , right ?’) and you can indeed say yes even when everything in your being would usually say no .
My retreat was so much more than an article in a magazine , or a half-ars * d attempt to push myself out of my comfort zone . In fact , it was , and still is , the start of a profound journey into selfcare and rejuvenation .
Kathryn ’ s commitment to health , sustainability and intentional living shines through every detail , making it a standout destination for those seeking a transformative escape . Stede Court ’ s retreats are more than a getaway ; they ’ re a step towards a healthier , more balanced life ; perhaps something you too can say yes to this year . Trust me , you won ’ t regret it .
Stede Court offers day and residential bespoke private fitness and wellbeing retreats for groups of one to six people , as well as ongoing 1-to-1 personal training .
Stede Court Private Fitness Retreat High Halden Road Biddenden Ashford TN27 8JG
stedecourtprivatefitnessretreat . co . uk stedecourtretreat
www . insidekent . co . uk • 105