insideKENT Magazine Issue 107 - March 2021 | Page 23

Lesley & Nicole Parry , The Curious Eatery www . thecuriouseatery . co . uk
Originating from Zambia , growing up in Botswana and studying at Le Cordon Bleu in Silwood in Cape Town , it ' s fair to say that Lesley and Nicole Parry , the sister team behind The Curious Eatery truly bring a global influence , and a sense of fun and adventure , to their restaurant and dining experience .
Confessing that Kent was meant to be the money-earning stopgap en route to Australia , Lesley freely admits that it soon became apparent just how much Kent had to offer , especially when it came to produce , ( and the people behind that produce ) that could result in the truly beautiful dishes the Curious Eatery team create , both for eatery diners and outside events . ‘ When my sister joined me in Kent it was only a matter of time before we longed for a place of our own to take some risks and have some fun with our food . We started our business in a small café type premises but we quickly grew out of it and the stars just seemed to align for us , resulting in moving into the old Albion Inn in Boughton Monchelsea .’
Fast-forward 5 years , and the recognition and awards , which began in just the first year of opening and continued even throughout the challenges of the last year , just keep coming ! From praise for their exemplary customer service , to the dishes themselves and the overall restaurant experience , The Curious Eatery has firmly established itself as one of Kent ’ s top dining hotspots , and the sisters are keen to point out that success is a team effort ; ‘ We could not be prouder of the fantastic group of people that we work with , especially who earned us an award during such a trying time for all .’
When asked about their advice for others Lesley was quick in response ; ‘ Don ’ t take yourself too seriously , have fun with what you do ( or what is the point !), always stick to your values and have faith in yourself and your ideas .’ But that ’ s not all , embracing the ethos that underpins the sister ’ s business she continues ; ‘ Look after the people that work with you in your business , if they are happy and proud of the business then they will go the extra mile .’ Finishing she adds ‘ And never be afraid to ask for help ! The curve ball that last year threw us was something that I don ’ t think many businesses planned for but we followed this advice and faced each challenge head on , we were flexible , positive and stayed true to ourselves , our team pulled through and are still ploughing through and we are optimistic about the future . We would also like to mention how much we appreciate all those Kent producers and suppliers who have been flexible and supportive over the last year . You rock !’ – Lesley we couldn ’ t agree more !
Veronica E . White , Elite Legal Services elitelegalservices . co . uk
From being an in-house lawyer in the West End and City of London to setting up her own legal practices in Kent , Veronica E . White has been on a steep , yet rewarding learning curve . The dedication to her career is evident from the outset , having gained her initial qualifications by attending evening classes and undertaking long distance learning whilst working .
So when asked the complex question of why the law ? Veronica had this to say ‘ I fancied myself as an agony aunt from an early age , but knew I needed to do something more than just listen , especially when dealing with litigation and family law cases . Since qualifying in 1996 I have been able to expand my experience in other areas of law which I am passionate about . My City and local experiences have enabled me to train and inspire staff to provide a first-class professional service focusing on client care .’
After more than four decades in the legal field Veronica now specialises in the areas of law which assist with later life planning , offering her yet another opportunity to demonstrate the passion and care underpinning her practice : ‘ I now have time to give something back to the community each year drafting wills free of charge via Will Aid which supports 9 charities . Last year £ 7,190 was raised in donations .’
Yet she doesn ’ t credit her success to her sole endeavour , noting the ongoing support from her patient husband whom she adores . Reflecting on her career thus far Veronica adds , ‘ I have had such a rewarding career which has gone beyond my wildest dreams , now going ‘ back to basics ’ is allowing me to leave my ivory tower and enjoy being an approachable solicitor here in Kent .’