Jodie Chapman www . jodiechapman . co . uk
The debut novel of Kent-based author Jodie Chapman is a book that portrays all the aspects of growing up into adulthood ; from the heartbreaking lows to the breathtaking highs ; to first loves that never really leave you , to difficult family dynamics we can spend our whole lives trying to cope with . The honesty in Another Life is quite astounding , to the point that some scenes will make you want to reach into the pages and pull characters out to either shout obscenities at them , or cradle them in an all-encompassing hug as you weep at the sincerity of it all . This love ( in every sense of the word ) story will speak to anyone who has felt any type of enduring , painful , yet wonderfully beautiful love .
During lockdown you have been the busiest author bee , with your debut novel being published in the Spring of 2021 and with two other novels in the works ! What is your secret ? I loved creative writing as a student , but after leaving education at 18 , I fell into photography . Now I cannot stop writing . It ’ s as if my mind is desperate to catch up on those 19 years away from the page , and I am brimming with story ideas . The secret is … there is no secret ! I turn up for work and fill a page at a time . After three months of writing a thousand words a day , I have a novel .
What do you think we could do as a society to encourage more young women to turn their passion for writing into a career ? Girls are often raised to be nice and not to “ make a fuss ”. This is damaging because it encourages girls to place greater value on what others think of them rather than what they think of themselves . Writing a novel requires tremendous amounts of self-belief and determination . We as a society should put more emphasis on young women ’ s brains and talents rather than their looks .
Do you have any tips for any budding Kentish authors ? You don ’ t have to do a creative writing course . Read fiction to absorb story structure and characterisation , analyse good films and TV . Cut words until they bleed . Turn off your phone and show up for work . If you wait for the muse , you will wait forever . Sit down in that chair . Write .
Another Life by Jodie Chapman , out 1st April from £ 12.99 , is available for preorder from www . waterstones . com .
A . J . McDine www . ajmcdine . com
To say that I devoured Should Have Known Better by A J McDine , would be an understatement . From the very honest and raw comment on mother , daughter relationships in the digital age , to the terrifying plot , this book tells a tale full of dark twisting corners and plot lines that will make your skin crawl . The switching perspective between mother Kate and daughter Chloe gives a fantastic insight into how the events of the story are affecting both of our main characters , and creates an even greater sense of suspense . Be sure to leave the lights on if you decide to open this book on a dark night , after all you never really know who you can trust …
Where did the inspiration for Should Have Known Better come from ? Like protagonist Kate , my oldest son is about to head off to university . It was while we were traipsing around university campuses that the idea for the book began to form . Facing the prospect of an empty nest myself , I also wanted to explore the relationship between a mum and her teenage daughter as they navigate a way through the murky mire of growing up and letting go .
How do you develop a spark of an idea into fleshed-out novels ? Every author is different , but I find plotting the hardest part of writing a novel . I used to fly by the seat of my pants , without planning my books before launching into writing them . While that can be fun , it can also lead you down all sorts of rabbit holes . Over the years I have tried to train myself to outline novels before I start . Plotting a novel scene by scene makes writing the book much quicker and easier .
© Lee Robbins
Do you have any advice for budding Kentish authors ? My advice would be – just give it a go ! Writing is a muscle that needs to be exercised . Don ’ t let impostor syndrome curb your dreams , if you have stories to tell , it ’ s a shame not to share them !
Should Have Known Better is available at www . amazon . co . uk . Her new thriller ; No One I Knew is out this spring .