Inside Swansea Homes April/May | Page 15

What are your favourite existing buildings? Dancing House by Frank Gehry in Prague, the University of South Wales Building in Newport and anything by Hans Scharoun. quality of life in every situation. Schools are rewarding because you feel that you are putting something back into your youth but equally home extensions can improve people’s way of life just by simply fusing the internal space with their external back How much emphasis is put on the garden – by placing bi-fold doors across environment and being green in your the whole back facade. projects? Lots of emphasis is put on the environment What advice would you give to anyone but only when it falls within client budget. who is looking to self build? You have to be realistic with these Always seek an RIBA chartered architect sustainable goals. The Events Centre will because it means they have been be uber green with Sedum Roof, Under- extensively trained to get the most out of floor Heating and many other facets. your dreams and property aspirations. Do you have a favourite sector that you like to work in? Commercial/ residential etc. Not really I love to help improve peop