Insider Interview
Richard Andrews
R.A Architects
Gommon. All of this valuable experience
has influenced Richard, making him into
the modern and creative young architect
he is today.
I delve in further to find out what makes
Richard tick in the world of architecture.
What inspired you to become an
My father got me hooked at an early age
and the seed grew from there. I still have
my dream house I designed when aged
Richard Andrews’ 21-year career in the
construction industry has given him a
wealth of practical experience which,
together with his architectural expertise
and unswerving commitment to each
project, represents a particularly winning
combination for his clients.
How did you come to set up your own
architect practice?
Well, I got made redundant for the
second time in 5years and decided there
was a more down to earth architectural
approach than the one currently. It was a
bold step but one that has proved the right
one judging from enthusiasm I’m showing
clients to see their vision and draw in 3D.
What do you feel is the strongest
current trend in architecture?
The strongest current trend is probably
people extending their homes because
the current housing needs are sometimes
too small with not enough garden space.
Richard began his career with Andrews There is a lot of retrofitting going on also
Gay & Partners, Barry in 1992 and gained of empty spaces in city centres.
an ONC in Construction. In 2007 he
became fully qualified as an architect. He What has been the most interesting
has experience in many sectors spanning project that you have worked on to
Education, Residential, Extra Care, Office, date?
Leisure and Retail. Richard has worked for The Underground Events Centre,
such reputable firms as Chapman Taylor, Guildford without a shadow of doubt as
Boyes Rees, Atkins Global and Ainsley
pictured in the magazine.