Inside Stock Car World Magazine | Page 8

It’s A Kinda Magic Firstly, I’m going to take this opportunity to introduce myself: I’m Paul Hines and I race a Brisca F1 stock car number #259. I’ve been racing for almost a decade but I’ve been a lifelong fan and spectator. I’ve been given the chance to voice my opinion as to why I think stock car racing really IS Magic. I don’t mean in the mystical sense of course and the only mystery is where on earth does all your money go? The magic I’m talking about is the overall awesomeness that stock car racing can create because I really love everything there is about the sport. I know I’m perhaps a little biased and probably preaching to the converted in this magazine but hopefully, I can highlight some of the things that make our sport so great. The People Stock car folk are a cult that started back in the 50s and has just lived on generation after generation. All of us are different yet somehow we are all the same. There’s a passion we all share for the ‘Heroes’ who risk life and limb racing around the short oval tracks to thrill and entertain us. You’ll probably have noticed that stock car folk tend to smile a lot. If you haven’t, if you can take your eyes off the race for a second, look around you at the crowd next time you watch a race. You might want to compare those faces with others at say a football match, some look like they’re 8 spoiling for a fight. Happy people are usually friendly people which makes for a great atmosphere and a pleasure to be around. I can assure you there’s nothing better than being in the middle of that crowd when Wainman, Speak, Smith, Moodie or Lund are in full battle on the track. There’s no big secret either - we love stock cars and don’t mind who know it. Car stickers, t-shirts, twitter and facebook are all ways we manage to tell the world what’s happening. Take it from me, the stock car fraternity are a decent lot and I can’t think of a better group of people I’d rather spend my time with. The Drivers. I take my hat off (well, I would if I had one) to anyone who races the oval track, especially the regular drivers who obviously race because they love the sport. It takes a special kind of person to keep turning up time and time again knowing that inevitably they’re going to get knocked literally from pillar to post with a slim chance of winning a trophy. These guys show such determination to get their cars to meetings, sacrificing many hours in the garage to ensure their cars are up to scratch and comply to the high standards of the scrutineers. The Tracks Rated as a ‘working man’s’ sport we are blessed with some really fantastic tracks and the promotors do a sterling job preparing the ovals for our lads to race on. We might think they’re earning the big bucks, but with the high standards they have to comply with and compared to the crowds from the 50s, they’ve just got to be doing it for the love of the sport. The promoters are very much like the fans and the drivers and have been a part of oval motorsport all their lives. They face some challenging times if the sport is to thrive and we can all play a part in the future of the sport by supporting them all we can. The Product In ‘Marketing’ terms you need to work on the 5 Ps; the Place, Product, Price, Promotion and the People and if you can get all these right, you’ll have a successful business. The fact that it’s survived for nearly 60 years is proof enough so they must be doing something right. We have so many reasons to be positive and so many reasons why this sport can excel in a modern world. Hope you enjoyed this read. If you have any comments facebook me or tweet me @f1stox259 Paul Hines Tel: 0844 840 8104