Inside Sister Angel Inside Sister Angel | Page 39

There will be a wall full with feather Angel wings, guests will be able to get ‘Insta worthy’ pictures. They will be able to participate in a trending hashtag competition, if you win you will have a year supply of free delivery with Sister Angel and a free trip with a friend to Elan Café. This will enable much more exposure for the brand and will create a buzz for the event and new collection.

There will be an interactive photo booth, where you can add imaginary Angel Wings. These images can then be posted via social media, with the trending hashtag #SAgetyourwings.



All influencers will be invited on the opening day (3rd Saturday) where they can have refreshments and will be able to enjoy getting sparkles from ‘Glitter Dealers’.

Since conducting primary evidence, we now know what influencers our consumers love, this has helped us with who we should invite to our opening. This will give us more exposure on all social media platforms.

Influencers that will be invited are:

-O'Donnell sisters

-Sarah Hashcroft

-Naomi Genes

-Lillie Lexi

More influencers will be invited, which may not have as much as a large following base as the above, but are still relevant to our consumer.

Influencers will be dressed in Sister Angel clothing to represent the concept of the S.A girls.