Inside March 2014 | Page 8

Golden Arrowhead hoisted for 44 time as Guyana celebrates another Republic Anniversary



It was a glorious morning, on February 23, for those who witnessed the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead at Parliament Building in commemoration of Guyana achieving its 44th year of being a Republic. It was on 23 February 1970 that Guyana officially became a Republic.

The ceremony began with the arrival of the Honourable Prime Minister, Samuel Hinds and his wife, Mrs. Yvonne Hinds. Thereafter, the President of Guyana, Donald Ramotar and his wife, Deolatchmee Ramotar arrived. Both parties were welcomed by the Minister of Culture Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony, Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Brigadier Mark Phillips and Commissioner of Police Leroy Brummel.

Also in attendance were Ministers of the Government, Members of the Opposition, members of the Diplomatic Community, staff of the various Ministries and acclaimed writer, Professor Clem Seecharan.

Upon his arrival, the Head of State performed the “Review of the Guard of Honour” following which prayers were read by representatives of the Hindu, Muslim and Christian faiths. This was then followed by the hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead.

In 1970 Guyana became a republic with a clause in the 1966 Independence constitution which allowed Guyana to become a Republic by a resolution of the national Parliament to be passed after a period of five years.

It was one of the central features of the constitution that broke new ground in the Commonwealth because never before had a commonwealth country achieved independence on the basis of a constitution which had an enabling provision for it to become a Republic.

Former Secretary General of the Commonwealth Sir Shridat Ramphal, who is also the author of the 1966 constitution, drafted it in such a way that it paved the way for Guyana becoming a Republic without doing so upon independence

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