Inside Maidstone Issue 2 -Feb - Valentines | Page 14

Variety is the spice of life!

At Paul Parker Personal Training we very much believe that variety is the spice of life and this is also true with exercise! Are you concerned about getting into a rut and giving up on your new years resolutions so soon?

Variety is the key! Going to the gym, doing the same routine and using the same machines is never going to sustain you throughout the year! The advantage of hiring a personal trainer means that no workout has to look the same! Change of location, body workout, movements, intensity, speed and fitness equipment used are all designed to keep you interested, motivated and challenged all year long!

Short frequent bursts rather than long & arduous!

Did you know it is scientifically proven that exercise in short burst is as effective if not more so that one long arduous workout?

Firstly if you don’t have the time to do 3-4 long workouts week, break up the time into frequent manageable time slots around your day! It will keep you interested, you can find the time and the short time you need is manageable and keeps you motivated to work every part of your body throughout the day!

Try this manageable routine during your day: 10 min core workout in the morning before work, 30 min brisk walk or fast run at lunchtime, 15 min muscle tone and balance home session in the evening.

Start something new!

Take up a new activity or challenge with your partner to keep you invigorated, stimulated and healthy! It could be a new exercise class together or an activity such as rock climbing, skating, or dancing. Challenging your brain and your body together and take up something completely new that stimulates all your senses, keeps you young and healthy and increases your level of fun in life too!

Make one positive change to your diet!

If you try and change everything to your eating habits in one go or start a drastic new diet to lose weight, the chances are you will not keep it up and in the long term will end up changing nothing about your eating habits. The faster and more drastic the changes, the more likely you are to maintain them. Start small, focus on introducing one good thing to replace a negative thing.

It may be eating more vegetables with meals, eating smaller portions, changing to wholemeal or eating your main meal at lunch time. Success breeds success whilst failure leads to more failure. Start with small changes that are easily achievable and the longer that you keep these changes going the more likely to are to keep them and move on to the next change!

Eat some squares of dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can boost your energy as it contains the compound phenylethylamine an endorphin released in the brain which is a mood elevator inducing a euphoric feeling similar to being in love. Dark chocolate also increases blood flow around the body through L-arginine an amino acid that can enhance sensation and blood flow to the sexual organs. Eat some squares of dark chocolate before bed time and burn some calories through passionate valentine’s day love making!



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