Inside Mackinac 2020 | Page 41

ARTISTS MARY LOU PETERS KATHLEEN CHANEY MAEVE FRITZ CROGHAN ISLAND BREEZE is a wonderful gallery and gift shop locat- ed on Main Street in the Horse Corral Mall. Original art and large selection of affordable framed and unframed prints from Kathleen Chaney Fritz, Randall Higdon and many other accomplished Island artists. 231-420-7423 innovative interpretation of each painting. Many pieces reflect Mackinac’s gorgeous landscapes. Visit Maeve’s beautiful gallery, MAEVE’S ART in the Carousel Shops located on Historic Market Street. 906-847-3755 MAEVE’S ART is a gallery full of beautiful original paint- ings by award winning local artist and Island resident Maeve Croghan. Her paintings are begun outdoors while immersed in the environment, then are finished in her studio where memory and personal exploration allow WATERCOLOR CAFE, located next to the marina behind Bay View B&B, is a quaint waterfront coffeeshop that offers beginning adult painting classes and creative workshops open to the public, or sign your children up for kids craft events. Check online for classes or call 305-302-0363. Artwork by Island Artist Sailing by Ste. Annes by Kathleen Chaney Fritz Originals and Matted Prints, Affordable Art Cards, and Books are all Easy to Pack! This and her other artwork may be seen at Island of Beautiful Prints Also, Enjoy Mary Lou’s Books Breeze Mackinac Gallery on Main St. in the Horse Corral Mall 231-420-7423 Art Cards ~ Mackinac Island Meditations ~ Garden Meditations ~ Etiquette on the Go Grand Memories by Randall Higdon This and more of Randall’s artwork may be seen at All These Available at: 231-818-6365 Lilacs & Lace, Little Luxuries Artists Market, and The Island Bookstore Island of Breeze Mackinac Gallery on Main St. in the Horse Corral Mall 231-420-7423 2020 / Inside Mackinac 37