Key To Golf
Lesson #3
than to be positioned
vertically above the toes.
The right knee remains
stable as in the address
position. Both feet are flat
and heavy in the ground.
In doing this a hip turn of
between 30 to 40 degrees
should be the goal.
Building the backswing
Now with the hip turn
stable, focus on rotating
the shoulders against the
hips with the chest rotating
above the right knee. Feel
the coil of the core muscles
when you do this. Also
note the shoulder turn
is as flat as possible and
your body is in a balanced
and coiled position. A
checkpoint is to see that a
line through the elbows will
be approximately parallel
to the ground and at right
angles to the target line.
The backswing is broken down into two
components: 1) Body Pivot and 2) Hand and
Arm action. Blending 1 & 2 together in a
correct sequence of motion is key.
Peter Croker
he balancing act has arrived where
we need to separate out the building
of the golf swing step-by-step from
taking your new-found swing fundamentals
to the golf course in competition.
Doorway/Table Edge
We would like to emphasise that playing
golf is a separate exercise to building
a competent and reliable golf swing –
especially when the focus is the backswing.
Training Emphasis: Build the feeling of a
stable ba ͔