Innovation Magazine Summer 2021 – CA | Page 15

Minimize injuries by taking advantage of gasactuated tool training programs provided by tool manufacturers and user safety awareness .
• Only those trained in the use of gas-actuated fastening tools ( or under direct supervision by a trained operator ) should use this equipment
• Hold the setting tool only by the insulated grip when working in areas where fasteners may be driven inadvertently into concealed electrical cables
• Before driving fasteners , check there is no risk of injuring anyone or of damaging objects present behind or below the working surface
Tool tethers are a simple and effective way to help prevent injuries or even fatalities from dropped tools . The following must be considered when selecting the correct tethering setup :
• The weight of the tool — including batteries , accessories , inserts , etc . — to be tethered . Check the weight capacity on the tether tag to ensure the capacity of the tether will not be exceeded
• Ensure there is a solid point on the tool where the tether can be firmly attached , and attach the tether