Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | Page 3


I am delighted to introduce the fourth edition of the Innovate journal of our Institute of Teaching and Learning ( ITL ) and to share the research , reflection , and development work of colleagues within and beyond Sevenoaks .
The well-known and respected educational researcher , John Hattie , notes the single biggest thing a school or teachers can do to improve their own practice is to reflect on their practice , to think about how to do things better , and create a culture of reflection in schools . One of the strengths of our ITL at Sevenoaks is that we do have teachers who are thinking hard about teaching and learning . Jon Hattie ’ s research has shown that the biggest influence in education is the expertise of teachers , and it ’ s the teachers who work together collectively and collaboratively to understand
their impact who have the most significant effect on student achievement . The last few years have witnessed a growth in the reach of our Institute in this regard and a strengthening of connections with international educators , which is set to continue . We are thrilled to include articles from researchers and educators with whom we have collaborated and extend our thanks for their insightful contributions , as well as to our own teachers and students for taking time to reflect meaningfully upon their impact and upon our educational approach as a school with a global outlook .
I very much hope that you enjoy this latest edition , that it provides some inspiration for reflection and development of your practice , and invite you to make contact should you wish to explore any aspect further .
Mr Jesse R Elzinga Headmaster
October 2022