Innovate Issue 4 October 2022 | страница 2


1 Introduction : Jesse Elzinga 2 Welcome : Mark Beverley , Helen Hampson
4 Is Science a Humanity ? Tom McLeish FRS , Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Department of Physics , University of York .
6 School-based research centres : an insider ’ s perspective : Jonnie Noakes , Director of Teaching & Learning , Eton College , and Director of the Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning .
Learning to Learn 9 The case for equity in education : Clare Ives , Senior Deputy Head . 12 Encouraging reflection on the reception of Classics : Giuliana Savini , Teacher of Classics . 14 Diversity in expressive arts education : Tau Wey , Head of Keyboard .
16 Towards self-regulated learning : Mark Beverley , Director of Institute of Teaching & Learning .
18 Using retrieval practice starters : establishing the impact on topic knowledge retention : Elen Harris , Teacher of Geography & ITL Research Fellow .
22 Facilitating flow in the teaching of Philosophy : Jon Beale , Teacher of Philosophy and ITL Research Fellow
26 Make it stick : Learning as education ’ s primary aim and human fulfilment : Peter Brown , Novelist , and retired management consultant ; Henry Roediger , III , James S . McDonnell Distinguished University Professor , Washington University ; Mark McDaniel , Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences and the Director of the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition , Learning , and Education , Washington University .
Wellbeing 28 Mini mindfulness in the classroom : Charlotte Hopwood , Head of Psychology .
32 Seeking to measure flourishing - a case-study from the Kent Academies Network : Isla Phillips-Ewen , Director of Kent Academies Network .
34 The perfectionist problem : is there evidence that process-focused activities impact perfectionist tendencies ?: Jamie Russell , Teacher of Chemistry .
Character education 38 The gratitude project : Jen Thomas , Upper Sixth , Student Research Fellow .
40 The importance of teaching and learning empathy skills : Paul Thompson , Head of Geography .
Digital learning 42 Sixty seconds of calm : slow looking : Charley Openshaw , Head of Art .
Service and partnerships
44 Exploring inclusive practices within school-wide themed weeks : Cat Davison , Director of Service and Partnerships .
48 Index of references
Innovate is our annual journal sharing the research and development work of our colleagues and students . The journal is designed to reflect an ever-growing narrative at Sevenoaks : one which engages actively with evidence and in research , to develop practice and policy driven by what is known to work in teaching & learning . We aim to bring into focus both elements of research-informed classroom practice that are shown to be effective , and also to reflect our holistic approach to education , in which personal and emotional development is as prominent as aspects traditionally referred to as cognitive or academic . We are keen to connect and work with others school and research institutions , both locally and internationally , with some of our articles reflecting collaborative work of this nature .