Innovate Issue 3 November 2021 | Page 2


1 Introduction – Mr Jesse Elzinga 2 Welcome – Mark Beverley , Helen Hampson
4 Research-based activities promoting flourishing at Sevenoaks School – Dr Christina Hinton and Ben Hill
6 What does it mean to flourish ? Student research fellows reflections – Lilli Ganzer , Eloise Simpson , Jen Thomas
8 UNESCO on human flourishing and the aims of education – Dr Jonathan Beale 10 The benefits of yoga in a school setting – Eva Coddington 12 When eating goes wrong : the impact of eating disorders in schools – Sarah Eversfield
14 Monitoring training load and wellbeing : working towards a holistic approach – Geoff Marshall
Character Education 16 Connecting with others – The importance of empathy and listening – Dr Paul Parham
Learning to Learn
18 Learning to listen : improving listening skills in modern languages and beyond – Dr Fabienne Cheung
22 What is cognitive load theory and how should we be mindful of it in our everyday classroom practice ? – Elen Harris
24 Experimenting with the Harkness discussion method – Isla Phillips-Ewen 28 Talk about teaching and learning – Mark Beverley
Digital Learning 31 ‘ Can ’ t I just look it up ?’ The triumphs and pitfalls of tablets in classrooms – James Tate
Service & Partnerships 33 Education networks and educational flourishing – Cat Davison
36 Index of references
Innovate is our annual journal sharing the research and development work of our colleagues and students . The journal is designed to reflect an ever-growing narrative at Sevenoaks : one which engages actively with evidence and in research , to develop practice and policy driven by what is known to work in teaching & learning . We aim to bring into focus both elements of research-informed classroom practice that are shown to be effective , and also to reflect our holistic approach to education , in which personal and emotional development is as prominent as aspects traditionally referred to as cognitive or academic . We are keen to connect and work with others school and research institutions , both locally and internationally , with some of our articles reflecting collaborative work of this nature .