Aayush Gandhi
Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
arketing, as a concept has been
or their brand to not just external customers, but also
continuously evolving for a long time
to their existing employees, also known as Internal
now. Starting with the production
oriented concept where companies focused only on
the maximum amount they could produce given their
resources, then came the selling concept where
companies focused on aggressive selling techniques
and tried to maximize their sales volume, then
marketing concept where customer needs were given
importance and customer satisfaction was the
primary focus for firms. Finally, the societal marketing
concept has evolved where apart from maximizing
customer satisfaction and taking care of customer
wants, marketing decisions also consider society's
long term interests. Considering today's environment
of cut throat competition, customer is the king and all
marketing related activities are customer centric and
are intended to satisfy them. Customer needs are
complex and their tastes are constantly changing and
a lot of effort is continually put in by organizations to
keep pace with these changes, understand the
“Firms must also consider promoting their
product, service or their brand to not just
external customers, but also to their existing
employees, also known as Internal Marketing.”
customers better, thereby ensuring high growth by
having a high number of loyal customers. But,
Internal Marketing is a process by which a company
Marketing as a concept has always been outward and
looks to motivate, empower its employees and also
all activities of marketers like advertisements, sales
looks to promote the firm's policies, its product or
promotion, public relations, etc. to sell their end
services and its brand to their existing employees. It
product or service is intended towards only towards
also ensures employees at all levels to understand
the target audience outside the organization. Firms
their role in the marketing process, thereby not only
must also consider promoting their product, service
motivating them to sell the product but also