iNM Volume 7 | Page 31

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 Punto De Vista A Concept Called Entrepreneurship: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly ENTREPRENEURSHIP Paarth Gandhe PGDM 2015 - 17 NMIMS Hyderabad Sarfaraz Singh PGDM 2014 - 16 NMIMS Hyderabad E A ntrepreneurship put in layman terms, is the development of a business from scratch — coming up with an idea, a strategy and turning it into a prot making business. While the denition of entrepreneurship appears simple, its execution is equally difcult. s an adolescent, one is susceptible to delusions of g randeur. When I first came across the ter m 'entrepreneur', I was struck by how regal it sounded. I immediately wanted to be one - a reaction one would come to expect from an impressionable 14 year old. The trouble was I hadn't the faintest idea as to what an entrepreneur did. What was worse, and I cannot stress this enough, was that I did not even have the means to find out. The lack of knowledge is excusable. The lack of a system to find out what you don't know is not. As Ajay Bam, a lecturer at the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of California, Berkeley's Haas School of Business said, "Entrepreneurship is the journey of opportunity exploration and risk management to create value for prot and/or social good. "Entrepreneurship requires recognizing the right opportunity, nding resources — monetary, infrastructure & human resource — for taking up the opportunity and creating the right team for the same. The idea remained, and for a long time, I ignored it. When it was time to start making difficult career choices, it cropped up again, and this time, I had developed the maturity and intellectual integrity to contend with the concept. This is not to say that I didn't struggle with it. It would be irresponsible of me to state outright that I grasped it. The truth is, entrepreneurship is a multifaceted idea, and each time you think you've finally got it, it throws another dimension your way and makes you re-evaluate your understanding of it. “People who are thinking about starting their own business must really be aware that successful entrepreneurship involves much more than having a great concept”, said Elizabeth Amini, CEO and cofounder of Anti-Aging Games LLC and an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. Perhaps this Hydra analogy is not completely apt. As robust and unyielding as it makes it sound, being an entrepreneur is delicate work. I realized this when I had the opportunity to interact with an entrepreneur for the very first time. My father had introduced me to the man and I managed to convince him to let me observe what he did, while he did it, for a few days. I did my homework, studied up on the different domains of a company, got confused when it came to operations, and reached his office at 8:30 the next morning. It was a small company, albeit a successful one, and I had full confidence that by the end of the day I would have a maestro's insight into what an entrepreneur did. I couldn't have been more wrong. So, what is being an entrepreneur really like? The Good Since you'll be your own boss, it means that you'll be in full control of your business. You shall thrive on the fact that the success of your business depends entirely upon you. Nobody will be telling you what to do, or how to do it. Experiencing the impact of your choices in and out will keep you on your toes. You get to choose how many hours you shall work, and when you're going to work. You get to decide nearly everything about your work. The ability to live where you want and go on a vacation as you please is like no other. Some freedom, right? The day started off sluggishly enough. My 'mentor' walked in at 8:45. He sipped on a cup of coffee while he regarded me with perplexity, mixed with a tinge of annoyance. Then, without a word, he flipped open his laptop, opened Outlook, and replied to e-mails for the next 8 hours. He didn't even break for lunch. Of course, I contained my fury over a day completely and utterly wasted, wished him How much money you make is up to you. The money 24