iNM Volume 7 | Page 30

iNM Magazine Volume 7 | August 2015 Cover Story Entrepreneurship is about being happy! Sandeep Dev Design Entrepreneur work their way to secure their tomorrow, and in this process, sacrifice their present. I believe we should make such decisions that make us happy today, if we're not happy today, we won't be happy even after our retirement from work. Happiness is not something you postpone to seek in future, it is something you carve into your present. Personally, I make sure that I take at least two holidays a year. I strongly feel that taking a break is important, as it helps to picture a broader view of what we have been doing and what we should be doing. The idea is to take a year long leave once every five-six years and do things that don't constraint you. That's the ultimate goal. This concept is inspired by a TED talk delivered by Stefan Sagmeister. My efforts are on to make it a reality. Happiness at work also comes with the space you work out from and the people you surround yourself with. I am happiest when the people who work for me feel secure and are happy about the creative freedom they get. An interesting thing that we would like to do as an organization is to go on a break with other entrepreneurs and discuss stuff, which can impact society. A design entrepreneur, I run a design studio, 17dnorth, in Hyderabad India. I love each day of my life, but as I look at a lot of people who are starting up just to make it big and earn a lot of money, it's been a while that I've been thinking about what entrepreneurship really means. As an entrepreneur, it's important to set your finances much before you start your venture, as that's the only way one can make bold decisions without many liabilities. I had planned to quit my job about 9 months in advance, and had started paying off all my loans to wave myself off from any kind of EMI's. Once that was done, I realized that we do not need a hefty salary. All that we need is some basic money that can take care of the dayto-day needs. This induced confidence, motivating me to start a venture of my own without having the pressure of earning more to pay my EMI's. “Happiness is not something you postpone to seek in future, it is something you carve into your present.” We have taken a day long retreat before and have noticed that our employees open-up to us & work out creative results back at the office. I know that entrepreneurship means different things to different individuals. A friend of mine started his business with the sole aim of getting funded and expanding his team, so that the business expands to different locations. He succeeded in achieving every bit of his goal, so much so that, he's busy even on weekends. This made me wonder about the balance that's required in life. I believe that your employees should feel that they are discussing the ideas to a friend and not to a boss. With 'Boss' comes 'Fear' and that may impact their creative thinking. I would like to conclude by quoting Albert Einstein “A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?” When I left my job 3 years ago with the intent of being my own boss. I wanted to make my own decisions. For me it was about how I spent quality time, with my family, friends, sparing time for my hobbies like listening to music or going on a holiday. My reason was not solely, money. I realized that a majority of people 23