Intentional Faith Development
Featured small group: The Daniel Plan
The Daniel Plan is a healthy lifestyle program
that offers simple ways to incorporate healthy
choices into your current lifestyle. Founded on
biblical principles, it emphasizes Faith, Food,
Fitness, Focus and Friends.
“Helping others on their spiritual and physical journey to
health and well-being through this plan has been very
rewarding. Initially the thought of leading a small group
made me uncomfortable, but the
additional time and effort required
was minimal. I strongly encourage
others to become small group
Margie Martinelli,
Wellness Coordinator,
Small Group Leader
Comments from group members:
“Spiritually, it focused me on
remembering that God has given me
one body to care for, and that God
wants His best for me so that I can,
in turn, be my best for Him.”
Norma Moser
“The Daniel Plan is a sound
approach to improve your overall life and is not solely a
diet plan. The plan made me stop and think about areas
where I can do better.”
Carol Sabreen
“The Daniel Plan was a great reminder to re-prioritize my
life schedule, as I had been neglecting some areas of my
life, and had to put myself back on my list.”
Kerry Reilly
“God put everything on this earth to keep us well-fed and
healthy ... Respect and care for the physical and spiritual
body ... We have the options to make good choices.
The Daniel Plan has some good ‘stuff.’”
Liz Reilly
“I am now shopping differently and making better food
choices. I am still a “work in progress” … but heading in
a healthier direction. The spiritual aspect was nice and
seemed to pull us together. I felt that we were able to help
and encourage each other through prayer.”
Donna Jones
“The Daniel Plan gave me a greater awareness that the
way I care for myself physically, mentally, and socially is a
vital part of God’s plan for me.”
Ginny Haiges
“Well-being is a total package … not
just diet or exercise. Being healthy
involves every part of you, making
changes at your pace so they become
permanent. Going through this with
others is important for support and
Janet Ruckel
“The Daniel Plan brought the physical
and spiritual aspects together and I
realized that if the body isn’t cared for,
your spiritual life is more than likely
suffering, too.”
Janie Koska
The Daniel Plan was one of the
spring 2014 small group sessions,
and is being offered again as part of
the summer small group semester,
beginning the week of June 22.
Sign up at ingomarchu ɍ