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Making Life Better.
Ingomar United Methodist Church
1501 W. Ingomar Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237-1644
An Attitude of
A friend gave me “The Happiness Advantage”
by Shawn Anchor, a book about positive
psychology that I found fascinating. The author
offers a very simple exercise that can help us
change our perspective on life: begin each day
by identifying three things for which you are
grateful. Since I began reading the book I’ve
tried to do this every day. I’ve asked the staff to
do it as well. It’s an interesting exercise.
At first, we mention the big stuff for which we are
grateful: things like God, Jesus, our spouse, our
families, our grandchildren, our church. Those were
items that appeared on my list right away. But an
essential aspect of this discipline is to resist mentioning
the same things over and over again.
My list has included my bed, a hot shower, clean
water, medical care, peanut butter, coffee, the
people with whom I work, the opportunity to be a
pastor, sunshine, central heating, warm clothing,
fish sandwiches and Nathan’s dog Baxter.
Some of those items may seem silly but my life
is better because of them. Thinking of three new
things each day expands our understanding of
how blessed we are. It forces us into a more
positive, more thankful mindset. It makes us look
around to identify things in life that we take for
granted. If you drive to work on icy, snowy roads
you are probably thankful for salt trucks. And isn’t it
nice that grocery stores are so close and have such
a large supply of food?
Letter from the Pastor
(continued on page 15)