ingenieur Vol.84 Oct-Dec 2020 Vol 84 2020 | Page 76

10 Early study of temporary tower cranes on site , if necessary , besides the site crane facilities and availability .
11 Early equipment preservation requirement e . g . the preservation specification .
Shipyard Slot , Facilities and Manpower NO .
1 Lock the production line for indoor workshop facilities e . g . cutting workshop , painting and blasting workshop .
2 Lock the shipyard material or laydown area and storage area / warehousing control . 3 Lock the shipyard pre-erection area ( on-ground ) for module blocks , subcontractor etc . 4 Lock the shipyard quay for heavy ship lift to side for modules delivery . 5 Lock the floating dock for module blocks erection , in case yard has a space constaint .
6 Lock the floating crane availability and revisit time-to-time on the slot , in case , yard may have limited multiple axle transportation or trailer to move the completed module onto heavy ship for delivery .
7 Establish the yard shipowner meeting and coordination e . g . among other clients .
8 Erection Area Base Control and Concept to be established e . g . Process Modules and Utility Modules . Don ’ t mix-up !!!
9 Erection Area for critical equipment insulation to be established e . g . workshop and proper cover area instead of temporary scaffolding with cover .
10 Ensure yard manpower is sufficient during modules fabrication e . g . skilled workers , experience welders , etc .
Equipment and Material Inspection NO .
1 Timely receiving Inspection ( RI ) to be established e . g . Quality Management ( QM ) system to reflect and follow the engineering specification and PO requirements .
2 Manning and daily schedule for RI to avoid backlog and waiting time for construction to installation .
3 Preservation Programme e . g . upon receiving , before installation , during installation and after installation . Continued preservation programme during marine transportation until arrival on site location . Site preservation until achieving Provisional Acceptance ( PA ) will be established as required .
4 Engineering Team needs to inspect and witness the critical equipment beside quality control team .
Quality Management System and Project Completion System ( PCS ) NO .
1 Enhance the roles and responsibilities of QM to support construction progress in the areas of welding inspection , RT Programme , quality record , ITP hold points etc .
2 Enhance the PCS database control and management . 3 Enhance System Mechanical Completion ( SMC ) Strategies and Execution Plan .
4 Enhance SMC work process e . g . simplified version may be required to accommodate the best practice and lessons learnt .
5 To conduct a Construction Readiness Audit on the QM System .